European and worldwide marketing of your equipment
The whole concept of telecoms products has been changing over the past few years. Products are becoming interconnected and the rapid development of the Internet of Things heralds a major trend: connected devices accompanied by the increased use of wireless communications.
The procedures to be followed for the approval of equipment possessing communication functions – especially RF – are particularly precise.
Anticipating the requirements and securing your marketing deadlines
We intervene in the different key phases of your projects thanks to:
- our knowledge of the regulatory context,
- our laboratories’ expertise in any testing that might be required,
- our global approach to the worldwide marketing of your products.
Emission DC - 40 GHz
One measuring line per room and open area test site
- Radiated emission (Measurement at 3 m in Full Anechoic Room or at 3 or 10 m in large semi-anechoic chamber or in open area test site from 30 MHz to 26 GHz)
- Conducted emission (from power supply, single phase LISN 10 A, three phase LISN 100 A, three phase LISN 400 A, rail of 1 to 6 meters cable slide bar for disturbing power emission.
Immunity 10 kHz to 6 GHz
One immunity line per room
- Radiated immunity (semi anechoic chamber from 27 MHz to 6 GHz or Full Anechoic Room from 80 MHz to 6 GHz)
- Conducted immunity (Inducted field strength 10Veff from 150kHz to 230MHz)
- Magnetic immunity (Magnetic field immersion method 30A/m_50/60Hz)
Electrical testing
A complete range of facilities for testing according to EN 61000-4-(2, 4, 5, 8, 9, 10, 11, ...) and EN 61000-3-(2 et 3) - EN 61100-3-(11 et 12)
- Electrostatic discharge up to 30kV - Electrical Fast Transient / Burst Immunity test: CDN 3 phases 30A, amplitude burst 4.4kV, CDN 3 phases 100A, amplitude burst 4.4kV - Surge immunity test: CDN 3 phases 25A amplitude 6.6 KV, CDN 3 phases 150A amplitude 6.6 KV, Voltage dips, short interruptions, and voltage variations
- Flickers and harmonics, Monophase and 3 phases 16 A, Monophase and 3 phases 32A)
- Air-conditioned rooms
- Controlled sources of electrical power (stabilised 50/60 Hz power supplies, generators / converters)
- Acquisition units for temperature rise measurements (thermocouples)
- Appliances for electrical measurements (oscilloscope, probes, multimeters, leakage currents, etc.)
- Appliances for power measurements
- Appliances for insulation measurements (dielectric strength meter, insulation strength)
- Appliance for ground continuity measurements
- Residual lightning impulse generating bay
- Transformer splitting machine
- Equipment for incandescent wire tests and for flammability tests
- Environmental chambers
- IP testing equipment
- Standardised gauges and templates (test fingers, etc.)
- Mechanical testing of electrical enclosures (shock hammers, indentors, etc.)
- Calm air chamber (luminaires)
- Automated systems and specific test fixtures
- Protection against electric shock
- Dielectric strength
- Temperature rise
- Leakage currents
- Insulation resistance
- Leakage paths and creepage distance
- CTI / Tracking
- Moisture resistance
- Danger from electromagnetic waves
- Incandescent wire
- Fire resistance
- Impact resistance
- Drop tests
- Fault condition analysis
- Liquid ingress protection (IPX1 to X8)
- Solid ingress protection (IP1X to 6X)
- Protection against external mechanical impacts (IK01 to IK10)
- 10)
- Open area test sites for mesures at 10m
- Full Anechoic Rooms for measurement at 3m test distance
A Faraday room with ferrite tiles and pyramidal absorbers builded to be a full anechoic room can comply the site attenuation of an open area test site.
The emission measurements are equivalent and have the advantage to be also insulated from exterior sources of electromagnetic noise.
We obtain faster measurments in FAR
- Large Semi-Anechoic Chambre for measurements at 3 or 10m test distance
- Emission measurement equipment up to 40GHz:
- analysers,
- antennae,
- pramplifiers,
- cables,
- etc.
- Radiocommunication bench
- Analog and digital modulation analysers (GSM)
- Protocole analysers
- Climatic chambers
Open area test site

Full Anechoic Room

Semi-Anechoic Chamber

Compliance with the tests conditions the marketing process
To be approved in Europe and in the rest of the world, equipment possessing telecoms functions must conform to tests covering multiple fields: electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), radio, EMF (electromagnetic waves & health) and safety.
As the leader in environmental testing, the Emitech Group can offer you its expertise in all of these fields.
From the start of our discussions, we can identify the tests to which you will be subjected and their severity, according to the countries targeted by your market launches.
We support your teams in their technological choices, identify the documentation required and assess your prototypes.
By anticipating the requirements related to the approval of your products, we give you the keys to a successful commercial launch in compliance with your timetable.
Protect your brand image
Differentiating services are also offered in mechanical and climatic environments and in reliability, with the objective of bringing to market more robust and tested products to operate longer or simply to be transported to the other end of the world without deterioration (packaging).