Cognet Matthieu
Président Directeur Général |
Lassausse Stephan
Directeur Général |
Chatais Seligmann Julie
Directeur des Ressources Humaines |
Chatillon Léopold
Directeur Administratif et Financier |
Cognet Laurent
Direction des systèmes d'information |
Guillerm Alain
Directeur de la Branche Qualification |
POTTEAU Sébastien
Directeur de la Branche Mobilité |
Bonnenfant Pascal
Responsable Certification & International |
Lemain Jean-François
Responsable Comptabilité |
Lallali Nadia
Responsable Qualité |
Nait Elodie
Responsable Métrologie |
Rogi Jean-Marc
Responsable Marketing @ Communication |
Saulnier Olivier
Responsable Informatique |
Beauvais Laurent
Responsable des Services Généraux |
The Emitech group consists of Emitech SAS and its subsidiaries Eurocem, Adetests, Environne' Tech, Pieme and Lefae.
Through its three business lines - training, engineering and testing, the complementarity of the environments covered (radio, electrical safety, EMC-certification, EMC-qualification, climatic, mechanical, reliability, acoustics and hydraulics) and its specific know-how in its two main markets setting environmental requirements (regulation / certification and qualification), the Emitech group is able to be a single point of contact to take overall responsibility for the environmental constraints that must be respected by your equipment.
For several years now, our services have been aimed at the general public and workers through our airwaves & health measures (ANFR measurements on relay antennas, workers' directive) and at companies through the design of test benches and our maintenance solutions.
Emitech Group - Legal information